Roll for Shoes


General Body Parts

  1. Head
  2. Left arm
  3. Right arm
  4. Torso
  5. Left leg
  6. Right leg

NPC Tables

Roll D66 (two D6 side by side) for each of the tables below.


11 Adorable 31 Filthy 51 Slender
12 Attractive 32 Furry 52 Slimy
13 Bald 33 Glamorous 53 Spiky
14 Bearded 34 Huge 54 Stinky
15 Beefy 35 Lanky 55 Stylish
16 Bony 36 Muscular 56 Sunburned
21 Bulky 41 Obese 61 Tall
22 Chiseled 42 Pasty 62 Tattooed
23 Chubby 43 Petite 63 Tentacled
24 Clean 44 Scary 64 Tiny
25 Creepy 45 Shifty 65 Ugly
26 Elderly 46 Short 66 Voluptuous


11 Annoying 31 Fearless 51 Noisy
12 Arrogant 32 Fidgety 52 Optimistic
13 Awkward 33 Friendly 53 Quiet
14 Bossy 34 Grumpy 54 Rowdy
15 Clumsy 35 Judgemental 55 Rude
16 Confident 36 Kind 56 Sad
21 Courageous 41 Lazy 61 Sarcastic
22 Demanding 42 Maniacal 62 Selfish
23 Embarrassed 43 Mean 63 Shy
24 Enthusiastic 44 Messy 64 Silly
25 Evil 45 Murderous 65 Simple-Minded
26 Excited 46 Nervous 66 Stubborn